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Posted by SCOTT on Dec 14th 2022


The Truth is what you want and expect. The Truth is what we stand for.

We started this business over 23 years ago because of our love for boating and being on the water. Our goal was to offer our customers the absolute best water sports products at the best prices we could offer. We decided immediately that we would not sell products that were not at a higher quality level, and a higher performance level. We searched for only the best products in the Industry, products that offered a one year warranty, and manufacturers who stood behind their products. These are the products you will find in our store.

The Truth is some of our products are more expensive than some of the products you might find in big box stores. The reason for that is because they will select products whose quality is not as good as the items we provide. If they are selling the exact same products that we sell then we do match their prices even on sale items. We sell only quality products that we know will stand the test of time and provide years, not days or months, of enjoyment. If we find that a product does not hold up to these high standards we remove it from our store. You the customer, do not need a product that you have to hassle with to get it to perform right.

The Truth is we stand behind all of the warranties provided by our manufacturers. If you ever have a problem with a product you only need to bring it into our store, or ship it to us with the appropriate RA #, with the appropriate receipt, and we will take care of your problem right away. We do have to contact manufacturers and get their approval on these warranty concerns, but if we know that your warranty will be covered, we will do our best to replace your product while you are in the store. We want you to get back out on the water and enjoy your products at the earliest possible time frame.

The Truth is we will not try to "upsell" you into a product that does not fit your needs! We have witnessed many dealers over the years who try to get their customers to buy more expensive products, or products that they have put on sale to liquidate, that does not fit their customers needs or desires, merely to add to their profit margins. We do not want to sell you a pro model wakeboard if you are a beginner who is just getting started. Not only will you fight with the ride of a product like this, but you will not enjoy the experience, and you will not come back to our store. We want all of our customers to enjoy the investment that they make in our products. If you enjoy what you purchase from us when you need something else, hopefully you will come back to our store or our website. If you have any questions about our products please do not hesitate to call us at 1-866-490-7433 or email me at

The Truth is we want everyone to enjoy their time on the water and will do everything within our power to make sure that you enjoy the products that you purchase from us. That is our pledge to you! We want you to have fun, enjoy your experiences with our store and our web site, and recommend us to your family and friends. That is the whole reason that we got in this business.

The Truth is we believe in God and Heaven, and honestly believe that the things we do in this life effect us in the next life. We believe in truth and honesty, and only want to represent those things to you. Thank you for taking the time to let us share our thoughts! God Bless You.

Scott & Georgie Brown